Bonnie’s Birthday – 2011

It’s a quiet day in the Smalley home (that usually changes when McKenzie comes home for the weekend :).  This week (really this entire fall season) usually takes my heart and mind back a couple of years.  So now is a time of thinking of and remembering Bonnie, tomorrow she would have been 53 (oh that makes me 55, and I just told everyone at WMU that I was 54 oops).  Two years ago we were all thankful that Bonnie was alert to make calls and talk to people on her birthday.  I remember fighting back tears as she had the energy to dial and actually hold a conversation.  Personally,  I was experiencing the blessing of the presence of some long time friends flying in from Michigan just to ‘be with us’ – what a strong and valuable reminder of the power of a friend’s presence.

Just where does the time go?  I really don’t know – not sure!  This season of life is filled more with , “I really don’t know – not sure” answers.  And I’m OK with that… There are lots of questions:

– Does Bonnie ‘see what’s happening here on earth’?  “I really don’t know – not sure”
– Is she walking, flying, shopping?  “I really don’t know – not sure”  Well I’m sure about the last one!
– Has Bonnie met my mom, my Grandparents?  Would meeting them ‘explain everything’ to Bonnie?  “I really don’t know – not sure”
– Does time really just ‘fly’ bye (no pun intended) – Is she aware of the concept of time?

While I don’t have every answer, I’m confident that Bonnie is in God’s presence, And if someone where to ask me, What is your only comfort in life and in death?
I can answer confidently with the timeless truths found in The Heidelberg Catechism:
That I am not my own, but belong—body and soul, in life and in death—to my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ.

He has fully paid for all my sins with his precious blood, and has set me free from the tyranny of the devil.  He also watches over me in such a way that not a hair can fall from my head without the will of my Father in heaven; in fact, all things must work together for my salvation.

Because I belong to him, Christ, by his Holy Spirit, assures me of eternal life and makes me wholeheartedly willing and ready from now on to live for him.

If you have read any of my posts you know that music is one of the ways I connect with God.  Here’s a few songs that God has been using – may they give you hope…may God use them to quiet your spirit and  speak to your heart when there is at times, no words anyone can say:

May this song give you hope  – when there is nothing left to hope for or when there is no one left to lean on…

Here’s a link to a song Bonnie used when she would share with some women’s groups –  May it cause your mind to wander into God’s presence and wonder about His love.

Here’s a more recent song that Bonnie never heard, but I’m confident she experienced…  May all of you, no matter what your circumstance experience God’s blessings in a deep and powerful way:

As some of you battle your own obstacles, or grieve your own loss,  or even the death of a dream (loosing a home, a job, a business) may you find the reality of Jesus in the friends He has brought into your life.  If your not in community with others, may you have the energy to do so, so that you will experience God’s love in a very real and tangible way.  May you know That you are not your own, but belong—body and soul, in life and in death—to our faithful Savior, Jesus Christ.

10 thoughts on “Bonnie’s Birthday – 2011”

  1. Thanks for sharing from your heart Juno. It always help me to be able to pray more specifically for you. Thanks for the insight. You can count on my prayers as you continue the journey here on Earth, while looking forward to our Heavenly reunion with those that went on before us.

  2. Hey Juno….What a tribute to Bonnie, the love of your life. I’m so glad I was privileged to know both of you. I’ve lost track of your daughter…college? Amazing!! I agree with your assessment of time. The questions are many and age does not shorten the list, believe me. Thinking of you and hoping your are well and peaceful. N.

  3. Juno,

    I continue to pray for you and your family. I can’t thank you enough for all of the friendship and encouragement you have bestowed upon me during your most difficult times. If that isn’t selfless, than I don’t know what is!

    1. Paul you and Melissa have been equally a blessing to me as well…Thanks for fitting me into your family. Thanks for throwing all those card games so that I can win :).

  4. Juno, I’m sitting here wondering just how to express my thoughts and emotions. I saw something this week that reminded me Bonnie’s birth-date was coming up. I thought of you — and McKenzie and prayed. And at the same time, I thanked God that Bonnie touched my life with grace and beauty–and jewelry. Yes, every time I wear something from her, I smile and that is often.
    Juno, thank you for sharing from your heart, with the gift of words that God has given you. He really has, you know. And thank you that you’ve shared that gift with us.
    Praying for you, Juno.

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