OCTOBER 10, 2009

We finally talked to the liver surgeon (on Friday, Oct 9th) about her condition.  No doubt a guy on the ‘top of his game’.  As of yesterday, here’s our game plan:
1)  She will stay at Banner Good Samaritan Hospital until Monday about noon.  We hope to rebuild her strength for the coming week.  The surgeons DO NOT advise any additional surgeries to the liver.
2)  On Monday we will transport her across town to Scottsdale Osborn to have a EGD Stent placement into the duodenum. The desired outcome will be to stop the bleeding and get her stomach working.  This is scheduled as out patient, but I’m suspecting and hoping they will keep her overnight.  While the procedure is laproscopic, she still needs your prayers.  The liver surgeon is extremely confident in this other doctor who is installing the stent and says he would have the doctor put the stent in him if he needed one.
3)  If the stent works (and we need prayers on that) as anticipated, the surgeon said, she should be in good shape to then figure out what she (we) wants to do about the cancer.  The cancer is in her right lob of the liver, outside of the liver, and at the opening of the small intestine, and I’m really not sure where else (that’s me talking).
4)  We have already emailed her paperwork to the Cancer Treatment Centers of America (that’s about an hour from our home).  We are ready to go with a consultation, whenever Bonnie is able.  We have also invited our Naturopathic doctor to join us on the consultation.
5)  Bonnie needs to put on some weight- too bad I can’t donate some of mine to her.  So pray we can get some approaiyte nutrition into her to build of strength for Monday’s procedure  – and I’ve been already told that red vines and chocolate covered raisins do meet necessary nutritional requirement.
6)  While Bonnie had a great day on Friday, she did have a ‘rough’ night.  Not sure what means yet.  So please pray for her.  She needs some good rest!
There’s a familiar bible verse in the Old Testament, Psalms 119:105 that says, Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
While I know God’s knows the future this verse reminds me that God is also a God of the present moment.  God has provided us what we need to do to take the next step.  That’s all we needed for the moment.  God has used your prayers and friendship to provide strength and encouragement and God has also provided enough insight for our feet to take another step on the path.  While this is a marathon, we just need to go one step at a time and not be overwhelmed.  We are not looking for a 5 year strategic plan with SMART goals. 
We are looking for a light, so we know where to place our feet for the next step on the path. 
We are looking for strength for the moment, insight for the next step, and hope for the future. 
We have all that and more in our faith in Jesus and in the blessings of your friendship – oh and lets not forget from doctors and nurses who know what they are doing :).In your own journey, may you experience the power of God which is able to split the seas, help the lame to walk, blind to see, and calm the raging seas on our lives.  Here’s a song that speaks to the power that Jesus has and offers to each of us.  Click here to listen.

May His peace be yours today….Love

Juno and the rest of the family….
p.s.  Unless something changes, I’ll send my next email on Monday evening….

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