February 2010

Many of you are inquiring about ‘how we are doing’.  So here’s a quick update…

McKenzie is doing well.  She is loving school.  She is in the choir at school and at church.  She continues to swim about 3 days a week.  She is most excited by the hopes of obtaining her driver’s license within the next couple of weeks.  And she thinks dad needs to learn how to cook a little more :).

Juno (that would be me…doing the writing) is learning how to transition from a two parent, married life style to a widower and single parent.  I (we) simply and at times emotionally take days and events one day at a time and even one step at a time.

A year ago this month (February 13th to be exact), things stared to change for us here in AZ (when Bonnie first started to get ill again) and in MI when my dad was also diagnosed with cancer (He passed away a month before Bonnie).

So the path we walk for this season in life is the reality of living in the world of grief and gratitude.  Grieving the extraordinarily sad loss and void of mom, wife, and friend, sounding board, partner in parenting, dad, grandpa, etc…yet so very grateful for the blessings God has given us as shown in the support and love shown by soooo many of you.

While there is sadness in our journey, we are grateful that we don’t walk it alone….thanks for being there, here, and above all in prayer.

Juno & McKenzie

Juno’s current address:
11980 187th Street
Artesia, CA 90701