Reduce Stress

Fifty Ways to Reduce Stress
Women’s Day, Sept. 1, 1986

Avoiding Stress

1) Get up fifteen minutes earlier
2) Prepare for morning the night before
3) Never wear ill-fitting clothes
4) Set appointments ahead

5) Don’t rely upon your memory

6) Practice preventive maintenance

7) Make duplicates of all keys

8) Rearrange work hours if possible

9) Say “no” more often

10) Never shop for clothes with critical teenagers, skinny friends, or those who look terrific in everything

11) Take advantage of off-hours for banking and shopping

12) Rearrange mealtimes

13) Keep an emergency supply of necessities

14) Walk everywhere you can

15) Make copies of all important papers and keep the originals in a safe place

16) Anticipate your needs

17) Don’t put up with anything that doesn’t work properly

18) Make advance reservations

19) Feed the children separately

20) Allow extra time

Reducing Stress
1) Be prepared to wait

2) Never arrange a meeting place that has no telephone

3) Find the humor in it

4) Keep a “busy kit” handy when you travel

5) Relax your standards

6) Get help with the jobs you hate

7) Establish a serene place of your own

8) Change your perspective

9) Count your blessings

10) Keep time fillers by the phone

11) Memorize your favorite poems

12) Keep a supply of individually wrapped candies or sugarfree gum handy

13) Travel light

14) Be prepared for rain

15) Ask questions

16) Take advantage of your body

17) Make contingency plans

18) Unclutter your life

19) Avoid reliance on chemical aids

Relieving Stress

1) Get in touch
2) Take time out

3) Find Enjoyable ways to exercise
4) Get it off your chest

5) Talk to a loving friend or relative

6) Reward yourself after stressful activities

7) Take leisurely baths

8) Schedule more fun

9) Take a break from the children

10) Have a massage

11) Unwind before bedtime


Stress is a motivator, but it becomes destructive when there is too much at one time. These are some tips to consider when feeling the pressure of too much stress:

Signals that indicate stress overload:
, Behaviors, Physical Symptoms

Muscle Tension

Eating/Not Eating


Pain in Joints
Chest Pains

Over indulging in bad habits
Hyper-activity (extra energy)

Key to Coping with Stress

1) Understand yourself-know your stress signs.
2) Know your strengths or weaknesses as an individual, know your vulnerability and protect yourself.

3) Don’t bury stress, take care of problems as they appear.

4) Change expectations about things.

5) Have a strong support system-Three components of a support system:

a.Someone who knows you historically
b.Someone whom you trust implicitly
c.Someone who will allow you honest expression, non-judgmentally

1) Understand yourself-know your stress signs.
2) Know your strengths or weaknesses as an individual, know your vulnerability and protect yourself.

3) Don’t bury stress, take care of problems as they appear.

4) Change expectations about things.

5) Have a strong support system-Three components of a support system:

a.Someone who knows you historically
b.Someone whom you trust implicitly
c.Someone who will allow you honest expression, non-judgmentally

6) If you can change the situation, try to do so.

7)Take care of your body-meditation, relaxation techniques, eating properly, exercise.

When overloaded, get professional help-that is a sign of strength

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